ICCWC Showcases Global Efforts to Combat Wildlife Crime at CITES 78th Standing Committee Meeting
The 78th meeting of the Standing Committee ( SC78 ) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ( CITES ) took place in Geneva from 3 - 8 February 2025. During SC78, the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime ( ICCWC ) reported on progress with the implementation of its work and hosted two events. Representatives from Parties and ICCWC partner organizations highlighted the importance of international collaboration and the collection and use
EU, ICCWC, and civil society join forces to combat wildlife crime
Geneva, 7 February 2025 - The European Union (EU) awarded the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) €27 million to tackle organized crime networks trafficking in wildlife globally and reduce the demand driving this illicit trade, in collaboration with civil society organizations. The new initiative, GUARD Wildlife - G lobal U nited A ction to R educe and D ismantle Organized Wildlife Crime – aims to conserve endangered species and biodiversity for future generations. The project will be implemented
Nearly 20,000 live animals seized, 365 suspects arrested in largest-ever wildlife and forestry operation
Nearly 20,000 live animals seized, 365 suspects arrested in largest-ever wildlife and forestry operation 138 countries and regions join forces to target fauna and flora trafficking worldwide Originally published by INTERPOL and WCO Nearly 20,000 live animals, all endangered or protected species, have been seized in a global operation against wildlife and forestry trafficking networks, jointly coordinated by INTERPOL and the World Customs Organization (WCO). Operation Thunder 2024 (11 November – 6 December) brought together police, customs, border control, forestry
International Forum on Combating Money Laundering and Transnational Organized Crimes: Opening Ceremony Keynote by CITES Secretary-General Ivonne Higuero
International Forum on Combating Money Laundering and Transnational Organized Crimes: Criminal Networks, Trade Dynamics and Beyond Opening Ceremony Keynote by CITES Secretary-General Ivonne Higuero 10 December 2024, Hong Kong SAR, China Excellencies, Distinguished delegates, Guests and participants, Ladies and gentlemen, It is my great honour to address you today at the International Forum on Combating Money Laundering and Transnational Organized Crimes: Criminal Networks, Trade Dynamics and Beyond. I would like to begin by expressing my sincere thanks to the Hong
Month-long transcontinental operation hit wildlife criminals hard
For use of the media only; not an official document. PRESS RELEASE Month-long transcontinental operation hit wildlife criminals hard The largest ever global operation results in 1,974 seizures and the identification of 1,400 suspects 1.3 tonnes of elephant ivory, 8 tonnes of pangolins scales, 4,000 birds and 27,000 reptiles among the specimens seized Geneva, 19 June 2018 – An international operation against the illegal trade in wild animals and plants including timber has seen hundreds ofseizures worldwide as well as
Key countries meet to further strengthen measures to tackle ivory trafficking
Geneva / Maputo, 7 May 2018 - Over 60 representatives from 24 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe and North America, and from intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, met in Maputo, Mozambique, from 1 to 4 May 2018, to discuss the development and implementation of National Ivory Action Plans (NIAPs) . The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) requires from a number of its Parties that they develop and implement NIAPs to strengthen their controls
UNODC news update: workshops on 'recovering the proceeds from wildlife and forest crime'
FOLLOWING THE MONEY APPROACH: UNODC national workshop in Kenya and regional workshop for the Caribbean Region in Panama on "Recovering the proceeds from wildlife and forest crime" Two workshops addressing “Recovery of Proceeds of Crime from Wildlife and Forestry Offences” were organised by UNODC from 24-28 November 2014, in Naivasha, Kenya, and 1- 4 December 2014 in Panama City, Panama. The workshop in Naivasha, Kenya was a practical case-study based workshop, hosted by the Government of Kenya in cooperation with
INTERPOL news item: INTERPOL report on illegal bear trade highlights need for greater enforcement coordination
LYON, France - An INTERPOL report has underlined the need for greater coordinated enforcement efforts worldwide to combat the illegal trade in bears to ensure that offenders are identified and prosecuted and that the illegal trade does not have a lasting impact on bear species. The “Assessment on Illegal Bear Trade” report by INTERPOL’s Environmental Security unit highlights in particular how poaching and the illegal trade of bears, their parts and derivatives continue on a large scale worldwide. With the
INTERPOL news item: Hundreds of animals seized in operation targeting wildlife trafficking across Asia
LYON, France – A five-month long INTERPOL-coordinated operation targeting wildlife trafficking in tigers and other big cats across Asia has resulted in the seizure of hundreds of animals and more than 160 arrests. Involving 13 countries, Operation PAWS (Protection of Asian Wildlife Species) also focused on lesser known species also in high demand by the black market, such as bears and pangolins. Wildlife traders using the internet and social media in certain countries were also investigated. Among the live animals
UNODC news update: Expert group on timber analysis meets in Vienna
Expert group on timber analysis meets in Vienna Last week, UNODC with its partners of the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) united efforts to tackle timber crimes by bringing together 30 experts from various disciplines to discuss issues related to timber trafficking and how the use of scientific methods can support law enforcement operations and judicial responses to this crime. Experts from around the world gathered in Vienna from 10 – 12 December to look at the timber
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