Physical Inspection, Wood Identification, Risk Assessment and Forensics: Empowering Law Enforcement Officers to Tackle Illegal Timber Trade in Africa
Physical Inspection, Wood Identification, Risk Assessment and Forensics: Empowering Law Enforcement Officers to Tackle Illegal Timber Trade in Africa Kampala, 9 December 2024 – Healthy forests sustain biodiversity, livelihoods, and local economies. Home to most of the planet’s terrestrial species, forests provide millions of people with jobs, along with food and fuel for more than 90 percent of the world’s most vulnerable populations. When forests are threatened, so too are the benefits they provide and the survival of wildlife. To
The Consortium launches its 2023 Annual Report
The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime launches its 2023 Annual Report The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) has launched its Annual Report for 2023. The 2023 Annual Report highlights the successes and achievements of countries supported by ICCWC in combating wildlife and forest crime. The Consortium uses targeted and evidence-based approaches to strengthen criminal justice systems and provide coordinated support to enhance responses to wildlife crime. This includes technical assistance, intelligence-led global operations, capacity building, financial investigations
Launch of the World Wildlife Crime Report 2024: New data, trends, threats and possible solutions to combat illegal wildlife trade
Launch of the World Wildlife Crime Report 2024: New data, trends, threats and possible solutions to combat illegal wildlife trade Vienna, 14 May 2024 The World Wildlife Crime Report 2024 was launched yesterday by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Vienna, Austria. This is the third report in a series following the 2020 and 2016 publications. The report provides an updated focus on trends in the illegal trade in wildlife species listed in the Convention on
From Seizure to Prosecution: ICCWC hosts first global Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference
From Seizure to Prosecution: ICCWC hosts first global Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference 1 May 2024 From 22 to 24 April 2024, global law enforcement agencies across customs, police, prosecution from more than 20 countries from South America, Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia Pacific, met as part of the first ICCWC Global Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade. The conference was organized by the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) and hosted by one of the five ICCWC partners, the World Customs
UNODC news update: workshops on 'recovering the proceeds from wildlife and forest crime'
FOLLOWING THE MONEY APPROACH: UNODC national workshop in Kenya and regional workshop for the Caribbean Region in Panama on "Recovering the proceeds from wildlife and forest crime" Two workshops addressing “Recovery of Proceeds of Crime from Wildlife and Forestry Offences” were organised by UNODC from 24-28 November 2014, in Naivasha, Kenya, and 1- 4 December 2014 in Panama City, Panama. The workshop in Naivasha, Kenya was a practical case-study based workshop, hosted by the Government of Kenya in cooperation with
INTERPOL news item: INTERPOL report on illegal bear trade highlights need for greater enforcement coordination
LYON, France - An INTERPOL report has underlined the need for greater coordinated enforcement efforts worldwide to combat the illegal trade in bears to ensure that offenders are identified and prosecuted and that the illegal trade does not have a lasting impact on bear species. The “Assessment on Illegal Bear Trade” report by INTERPOL’s Environmental Security unit highlights in particular how poaching and the illegal trade of bears, their parts and derivatives continue on a large scale worldwide. With the
INTERPOL news item: Hundreds of animals seized in operation targeting wildlife trafficking across Asia
LYON, France – A five-month long INTERPOL-coordinated operation targeting wildlife trafficking in tigers and other big cats across Asia has resulted in the seizure of hundreds of animals and more than 160 arrests. Involving 13 countries, Operation PAWS (Protection of Asian Wildlife Species) also focused on lesser known species also in high demand by the black market, such as bears and pangolins. Wildlife traders using the internet and social media in certain countries were also investigated. Among the live animals
UNODC news update: Expert group on timber analysis meets in Vienna
Expert group on timber analysis meets in Vienna Last week, UNODC with its partners of the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) united efforts to tackle timber crimes by bringing together 30 experts from various disciplines to discuss issues related to timber trafficking and how the use of scientific methods can support law enforcement operations and judicial responses to this crime. Experts from around the world gathered in Vienna from 10 – 12 December to look at the timber
A big step forward in the fight against wildlife crime
For use of the media only; not an official document. PRESS RELEASE A big step forward in the fight against wildlife crime CITES supports INTERPOL Operation to locate known environmental criminals, including wanted wildlife crime kingpins Geneva, 17 November 2014 - The first global operation targeting individuals wanted for serious environmental crime, including wildlife crime, led by INTERPOL and supported by the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC), was announced today. The initial phase of INTERPOL’s Operation ‘INFRA-Terra’ (International
CITES welcomes new Secretary General of INTERPOL and adoption of General Assembly resolution on Environmental Security
At the 83rd session of the ICPO-INTERPOL General Assembly meeting in Monaco from 3 to 7 November 2014, Mr.Jürgen Stock was elected as the new INTERPOL Secretary General. The 55-year-old Vice-President of the German Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) took over from Mr. Ronald K. Noble of the United States of America, who stepped down after 14 years of service as INTERPOL Secretary General. The CITES Secretariat joins the international community in warmly congratulating Mr Jürgen Stock on his appointment. The Secretary-General of
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